
When the travel experts at Lonely Planet and Cheapflights come together great things happen.

To share the love of travel we’re giving you the chance to win the adventure of your dreams worth up to $3000. An African Safari? A romantic Hawaiian escape? A journey around the land Downunder? Or a European road trip? The world is your oyster, and where you go is totally up to you!

Can’t decide where you want to head off to? We’ll, we can help with that.

Every day of the competition we’re giving away a Lonely Planet guidebook and offering all our facebook fans a massive 33% off all hard copy and digital Lonely Planet guides.

You’ll be planning your getaway, and those feet will be itching, in no time.

How to Win a $3000 holiday

  1. ‘Like’ Cheapflights on Facebook
  2. Test your travel knowledge with our ‘Where in the World’ competition app
  3. You’re in with a chance to win our main prize, plus that day’s Lonely Planet draw for the guidebook of your choice.

Every 24 hours there is another chance to enter – and another book to win – so make sure you come back and test your skills each day from Friday, November 30 to Saturday, 15 December.

If you’re using your smartphone you can enter here.

How to Save 33% on Lonely Planet books

  1. ‘Like’ Cheapflights on Facebook
  2. Choose the ‘Share’ option on our ‘Where in the World competition app
  3.  Your Lonely Planet discount code will be revealed
  4. Pick your book at the Lonely Planet shop
  5. Enter and apply your code in the promo code box

Good luck and happy travels!

About the author

Kara SegedinWriter, traveller, Tweeter, blogger and part-time adventurer. A kiwi living in London off to explore the world! I can never travel enough!

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