Do you know YOUR packing personality?

Whether you’re a Hack-er Packer or Carry-on Connoisseur, your suitcase is probably saying something about you.

So, go ahead: TELL us your packing personality from this list and SHOW us your suitcase by tweeting your #SuitcaseSelfie!

Five lucky tweeters will win iPod Shuffles!

This competition is open to our followers around the world and all you have to do for a chance to win is FOLLOW @Cheapflights, TELL us YOUR PACKING PERSONALITY FROM THIS LIST and TWEET us a pic of your packing style using the hashtag #SuitcaseSelfie.

The competition closes at 11:55pm (GMT) on Wednesday, April 16, 2014.

Step 1: Follow us on Twitter

Step 2: Tweet us your packing personality from this list along with a pic of your suitcase using the hashtag #SuitcaseSelfie

(See full terms & conditions.)

About the author

Melisse HinkleA New England native but explorer at heart, Melisse has traveled throughout North America, biked through rice paddies in Bali, seen the Northern Lights in Iceland, walked alongside llamas in Machu Picchu and made her way around Europe while studying abroad in London. She is the Head of Content and Social Media for North America at Cheapflights.

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