
Ask an Up East native what separates the fair-weather visitors from year-round residents and they’re apt to say, “Ah, the wintah.”

Well, it’s not winter in Maine – not now and not for several sunny months to come. It’s spring, and that brings out visitors galore. Here are some of June’s attractions:

West Parris Old Home Days runs June 1 – 2. This two-day celebration of all that is right about small-town America features fireworks, a parade, lots of live music and – of course—food.

The Kennebunkport Festival is a sublime gathering of food, wine and works of art. June 5 – 9 Kennebunkport shines as one of New England’s quintessential villages by the sea. Come experience an array of art shows, cooking demonstrations, inn tours and fine wine tastings. Put your life into perspective with a few days by the water’s edge. Get in the mood Tuesday evening, June 5, with Cocktails at One Dock.

The 39th Annual Old Port Festival is an arts and crafts Mecca. It’s not bad if you like music either. There will be multiple stages for all the performers. The festival kicks off at 11 a.m. June 10 with a foot-powered parade down Exchange Street led by the Shoestring Theater.

Deer Isle’s Lupine Festival is set on one of the most picturesque New England islands there is. This annual celebration of springtime (not taken lightly up here in these latitudes) features garden tours, schooner voyages, quilt shows, crafts, and tons of activities for the kids. Deer Isle isn’t just some sun ‘n fun spot, redolent with the smell of sun tan oil. It’s almost singular, a state of mind. Come north for an elemental attitude adjustment. The Lupine Festival runs June 15 – 17.

Story by Jerry Chandler


About the author

Jerry ChandlerJerry Chandler loves window seats – a perch with a 35,000-foot view of it all. His favorite places: San Francisco and London just about any time of year, autumn in Manhattan and the seaside in winter. An award-winning aviation and travel writer for 30 years, his goal is to introduce each of his grandkids to their first flight.

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