
Avoiding “Game of Thrones” spoilers might as well be a full-time job. With the season finale upon us (already!), it’s time you reward yourself for those Monday mornings spent strategically navigating the spoiler-laden minefield that is your Facebook newsfeed while listening to a heavy metal Spotify playlist through noise-cancelling headphones in case you overhear anything on your commute. And honestly, while the events of the finale are yet to be seen (unless you’re counting on another leaked episode – shame, shame, shame!), you don’t need to be the Three-Eyed Raven to know your emotional well-being will probably be a little worse for wear come next Monday.

Time to say farewell to Westeros for a while and plan a holiday of your own. Whether you’re siding with Cersei, Jon Snow or Baelish, we all have something in common here — we all love traveling. So, trade the Iron Throne for a window seat and celebrate (or mourn) the last episode of the season with these classic GOT GIFs that perfectly sum up going on vacation. Then start planning your own trip on without the worry of missing an episode.

1. The moment you realize we’re 3 quarters of the way through 2017 and decide you need a vacation.

2. When you create a group chat to plan your trip, and all your friends have different opinions about where you should go.

3. And there’s that one friend who has a million excuses for why they can’t commit to the trip.

4. And another who claims they’re too old to stay in a hostel.

5. But eventually all your travel plans start coming together.

6. The feeling when you finally leave the office to head to the airport.

7. When you order your Uber and its only two minutes away.

8. Your face when you’re finally in the car listening to “Despacito.”

9. When you order your 9 a.m. airport beer and you know nobody judges you.

10. When you board the plane and realize you’re surrounded by a 20-person bachelorette party.

11. And then you see their matching t-shirts and tiaras.

12. But at least you can drown your sorrows with an in-flight drink.

13. You when the plane finally takes off and you manage to get an Instagram-worthy Boomerang.

14. When you see the food cart coming up the aisle.

15. And you can feel your stress easing away as you reach cruising altitude.

16. That feeling when you arrive in your destination and finally feel the sand between your fingers and toes.

17. And you get to the beach early to snag a good spot, but then a tour bus rolls up.

18. When you wake up the next morning and discover the extent of your sunburn.

19. When you realize it’s your last day of vacation and you’re just not ready to come home yet.

20. And then you remember you’ve got work tomorrow.

21. But it’s ok, because you know your going to spend the whole day planning your next trip.

Ready to plan your own epic adventure? Search for flights on and share your off-season travel goals in the comments.