No movie makes you laugh and cry quite like “Forrest Gump,” the 2.5-hour recollection of Gump’s incredible adventures that inadvertently shape many of the historic events in recent decades. In honor of the film’s 20th anniversary, follow this “Forrest Gump” pilgrimage across the country (don’t worry — no running or “magic shoes” required).

Savannah, Georgia

While Forrest Gump’s incredible life takes him all around the world, let’s not forget the movie actually only takes place in a single setting: a bus stop where Gump recalls his adventures to those that sit next to him on the bench. The backdrop for this iconic movie setting is actually Chippewa Square, one of the many historic squares you’ll find in Savannah, Georgia. The bench, unfortunately, was a movie prop, but you can still enjoy the beauty of this Gump must-see from the very spot where the movie was filmed.

Yemassee, South Carolina

Forrest Gump and the love of his life, Jenny, lived in the fictional town of Greenbow, Alabama, but locations in South Carolina were often used in lieu of this fictional town. Take, for example, the setting for where Gump famously breaks lose of his “magic shoes” as Jenny yells, “Run, Forrest! Run!” According to the Smithsonian, the running scene was filmed on Combahee Road in Yemassee, South Carolina, but keep in mind there’s private property at the end of the road.

Fripp Island, South Carolina

Sure, Gump went on to serve in Vietnam, but you don’t have to fly across the globe follow in Gump’s footsteps — after all, Tom Hanks didn’t. The Vietnam scenes were actually filmed on South Carolina’s Fripp Island, where you’re more likely to spend your time sunbathing or golfing than trying to keep your feet dry in the heat of battle.

Washington D.C.

After Gump’s tour of duty leads to him getting “shot in the buttocks,” he returns home with Lieutenant Dan and, eventually, heads to Washington D.C. only to find himself center-stage at an anti-war protest rally. At the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool, he is reunited with the love of his life: Jenny. Stop by the reflecting pool to relive this moment from the movie — we just don’t recommend splashing through the water during your visit.

Santa Monica Pier

After Jenny turns down Forrest’s proposal, he goes on a three-year, cross-country run — and he runs “clear to the ocean.” This ocean was the view off of Santa Monica Pier in Los Angeles, and it’s here that Gump sees the water, stops for a moment and decides to “turn around and keep on going.”

Flagstaff, Arizona

Two pieces of pop culture history take place in Flagstaff, Arizona. The first is the quote, “Sh*t happens,” which Gump inadvertently invents as he’s running through this Arizona town. The second is the “Have a Nice Day” smiley that our hero creates by wiping his mud-laden face with a yellow t-shirt. If you look closely at this scene, you’ll see trucks and two arrows behind Gump and his band of runners — this is the Twin Arrows Trading Post just outside Flagstaff.

Grandfather Mountain, North Carolina

Another filming location for Gump’s cross-country run is Grandfather Mountain on the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina. Get out your running shoes to follow in Gump’s footsteps, particularly around the Grandfather Mountain curve, where Gump is first shown having picked up a band of followers. To make it a truly Gump-worthy stop, play “Running on Empty” by Jackson Browne as you jog around the curve.

(Main image: boo_licious)

About the author

Marissa WillmanMarissa Willman earned a bachelor's degree in journalism before downsizing her life into two suitcases for a teaching gig in South Korea. Seoul was her home base for two years of wanderlusting throughout six countries in Asia. In 2011, Marissa swapped teaching for travel writing and now calls Southern California home.

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