
If it’s the quirky and the creative you seek, head south – as far south as you can go in the United States. Key West is place and Fantasy Fest is the celebration.

Set for Friday Oct. 19 through Sunday Oct. 28 this year’s theme is appropriate enough: A-Conch-Alypse. It’s a takeoff on the Mayan theory that it’s all going to come to an end this December.

Animals play a big part in all of this (the festival, not the end of the world). Festival organizers say there will be “Doomsday dogs, cataclysmic cats, exotic birds, and other alien species” about Key West Oct. 24. That’s when pets take to the streets to protest the planet’s demise, accompanied by their human companions.

The 24th will also see “pet-and-person” duos dance about in choreographed revelry.

The Pretenders in Paradise costume competition is set for Thursday Oct. 25 on the beach at the Pier House Resort. Then, of course, there are Zombies. The living dead are hot just now – figuratively, if not literally. Zombie Nation Vacation is a garish gala where revelers don costumes we won’t even attempt to describe. Entrants entertain with lights, music and such.

Lest this sound like a total let-loose, understand that there is a code of conduct and the cops are going to enforce it:

Organizers say:

– That nudity is verboten.

– No glass containers are permitted in the designated Fantasy Zone. Quaff what you may from paper or plastic cups.

– Open containers of alcohol are not allowed outside the Fantasy Zone. When you’re through with that cup, recycle it. Bins abound.

– If you’re going to body paint, do it in a screened off area.

– Backpacks, coolers, weapons and water guns aren’t permitted.

– Patience is encouraged.

(Image: ottofocus13)

About the author

Jerry ChandlerJerry Chandler loves window seats – a perch with a 35,000-foot view of it all. His favorite places: San Francisco and London just about any time of year, autumn in Manhattan and the seaside in winter. An award-winning aviation and travel writer for 30 years, his goal is to introduce each of his grandkids to their first flight.

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