OK, we’ll agree Belgium produces some of the best chocolate on the planet. But before you call it the best you’d do well to book a flight to Barcelona.

Context Travel is now conducting expert-led chocolate walking tours of Barcelona that just might change your mind as to who’s king of this confection.

Central to the cuisine in this part of Spain is a cup of thick, bitter chocolate served with fluffy melindros.

Along the three-hour chocolate trek Context says you’ll “sample liquor-filled bonbons [and] watch freshly-fried churros emerge from their oily baths.”

This is more than a chance to nosh on the go. Guides delve deep into chocolate’s roots, going back to the time of the Aztecs and following through to modern times.

See (and taste) how confections and pastry melded with Barcelona’s 19th century café culture. Culinary culture finds full expression in this fascinating Spanish city. Need evidence? Look for chocolate mixed with wasabi. You’ll never look at the humble chocolate bar quite the same way again.

(Image: various brennemans)

About the author

Jerry ChandlerJerry Chandler loves window seats – a perch with a 35,000-foot view of it all. His favorite places: San Francisco and London just about any time of year, autumn in Manhattan and the seaside in winter. An award-winning aviation and travel writer for 30 years, his goal is to introduce each of his grandkids to their first flight.

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