Author spotlight

Chelsey Burnside

Chelsey is a travel, fashion and lifestyle writer based in Toronto. Her work also appears in The Coveteur, The Ottawa Citizen, The Toronto Star and various notebooks left in airports.
Travel lessons we’ve learned from our grandparents
Whether it’s uncovering the intricacies of a foreign language, knowing where (and where not) to keep your passport, or...
How to have the most uncomfortable flight ever
If you’re so much as a bi-annual traveler, chances are you’ve read your fair share of listicles on how...
57 thoughts you have when traveling with your significant other
But when you’re in a relationship, having a built-in travel partner can be both a source of constant comfort and constant...
Airplane scenes that define all our relationship goals
Amid the packing, the jet lag and the hurry-up-and-wait, there’s an inarguable romance that goes hand in hand (pun...
The language of the all-inclusive getaway: 7 things every couple says
Whether you’re braving blizzards in upstate New York or racing through rainstorms in California, there’s one thing all of...
A love letter to flying
Dear Flying, From the beginning, our relationship just took off. It was fast and furious at first – heart racing,...
5 ways Punxsutawney Phil can help you plan your next trip
From flipping coins to plucking petals to the fail-safe eenie-meenie, we’ve always been a logical bunch when it comes...
How to make yourself unpack after a trip
Passports in the air if this sounds familiar. You come home from a trip with the best of intentions—you’ll...
82 thoughts you have before takeoff
You’ve packed your bags, prepared your travel documents and hopped in an Uber (then hopped out of the Uber,...