
This is prime time for some stargazing. That’s why hundreds of amateur and professional astronomers are heading to the lower Florida Keys soon, from Feb. 4 through February 10. They’ll gather for the 29th annual Winter Star Party to see constellations, comets and far-away stars.

These folks and their telescopes will descend upon Camp Wesumkee, a Girl Scout Camp located at mile marker 34.5 on U.S. Highway 1 in Scout Key. The reason for the relatively remote location, of course, is light – more specifically, the absence of artificial light, which interferes with viewing.

There’s more to this than just stargazing. Many lectures and presentations are also scheduled. Presenters include astro-photographer Tim Khan and renowned astronomer Tippy D’Auria.

This assembly of serious stargazers is open to the public, but you do have to register in advance.

As for activities, there are photo contests, seminars on telescope mirror-grinding, a prize raffle and other activities for astronomical aficionados. No need to leave the kids at home – there are activities for them too.

The event is hosted by Miami’s Southern Cross Astronomical Society – one of the oldest amateur astronomical societies in the Western Hemisphere.

Viewing starts at about 7:00 p.m. each evening.

(Image: gfhdickinson)

About the author

Jerry ChandlerJerry Chandler loves window seats – a perch with a 35,000-foot view of it all. His favorite places: San Francisco and London just about any time of year, autumn in Manhattan and the seaside in winter. An award-winning aviation and travel writer for 30 years, his goal is to introduce each of his grandkids to their first flight.

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