
The Pyramids, Machu Picchu and Angkor Wat are undoubtedly “Wow!” places, but they’re not the only historical sites worthy of finding their way onto your bucket list. Here we take a look at 5 lesser-known archaeological sites that’ll blow your socks off.

(The featured image of Bagan is by antwerpenR.)




Hampi (India)
Location: Northern Karnataka
Date back to: 14th-16th centuries
Civilization: Vijayanagara Empire




Palmyra (Syria)
Location: Heart of the Syrian Desert, 130 miles north east of Damascus
Date back to: first to third centuries
Civilization: Palmyrene Empire




Bagan (Myanmar)
Location: Mandalay region of Myanmar (Burma)
Date back to: ninth-13th centuries
Civilization: Kingdom of Pagan




Gerasa (Jordan)
Location: Beside modern day Jerash in northern Jordan
Date back to: 63 BC through to the seventh century AD
Civilization: Roman Empire




Palenque (Mexico)
Location: The foothills of the Tumbala Mountains in southwest Mexico
Date back to: 226 BC through to 1123 AD
Civilization: Mayan



Written by insider city guide series Hg2 | A Hedonist’s guide to…

About the author

Brett AckroydBrett hopes to one day reach the shores of far-flung Tristan da Cunha, the most remote of all the inhabited archipelagos on Earth…as to what he’ll do when he gets there, he hasn’t a clue. Over the last 10 years, London, New York, Cape Town and Pondicherry have all proudly been referred to as home. Now it’s Copenhagen’s turn, where he lends his travel expertise to

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