Ah, the emotional roller coaster that is a long-awaited vacation. Is there any purer happiness than the first day of your trip? Or realer sadness than the last day, and the imminent return to the real world? Either way, no part of the journey is more mercurial than those few emotionally volatile hours spent actually getting from point A to point B. And who better to demonstrate all the ups and downs than that world-famous feeler of extreme emotions, Michael Phelps.

When you breeze right through airport security…

But get to the gate three hours early and the airport Wi-Fi is only free for the first half hour.

At least you’re boarding Zone 1.

But when boarding starts, a Zone 4 gets in line with you.

And your boarding time gets pushed back 30 minutes… for the third time.

When you’re waiting for someone to cram their over-sized bag into the overhead bin before getting to your seat…

And it’s definitely not going to fit, but they keep trying.

And you’re on a mission to get a window seat.

When you randomly get upgraded to First Class…

And see the flight attendant coming your way with free drinks.

When you’re running late for your connecting flight but make it to the gate with five minutes to spare.

And vacation can finally begin…

Which Phelps Face best describes your pre-vacation emotions? Leave us a note in the comments below or tweet us at @Cheapflights.

Main image: istockphoto/PeopleImages

About the author

Jess HopperJess is a traveller and writer currently putting down roots in Boston as the Content and Social Media Executive for Cheapflights Canada. Originally from New England, she has also called France and New Zealand home. She has visited 22 countries including Portugal, Morocco, Turkey, Indonesia and South Africa.

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