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Fri 3/21
Fri 3/28
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Unlock Exclusive Car Rental Deals with Cheapflights

Cheapflights is your go-to platform for unlocking unbeatable car rental deals. We’re more than just a flight website, Cheapflights transforms your approach to car rental searches with our unique Compare To feature. Empowering you to handpick up to four of your preferred rental car providers, this innovative tool presents their offerings side by side for a seamless comparison.

At Cheapflights, your car rental choices are in your hands. Tailor your experience by selecting preferred vehicles and rental options. The Compare To model ensures a direct and comprehensive view, empowering you to make well-informed decisions. We believe in transparency, providing a clear breakdown of costs upfront for effortless comparison of prices and values.

Optimize your car rental search effortlessly by using the Compare To feature. Placing your chosen car rental providers head-to-head ensures a clear overview, making decision-making a breeze. Save big on your favorite providers by comparing prices and features, giving you control over finding the best deals. Make Cheapflights your starting point for rental car savings.

Find cheap rental cars for your next trip

Hello, there. Let us help you start your search for cheap car rentals. Whether you need to rent a car for a romantic weekend getaway, family vacation, bucket-list trip to your dream destination, or a business trip with a side of fun, we have you covered. Use Cheapflights to find the latest and best car rental deals for your budget.

Is there a minimum age to rent a car?

Most rental car companies have a minimum age requirement of 21 years old to rent a car, and charge drivers under 25 a young driver fee. Some companies also charge a senior driver fee for drivers over 70 years old. If you’re looking for the best car rental deals, try to avoid these fees. When you book with Cheapflights, you can check each rental car’s terms and conditions to see if your age makes a difference.

Should I get rental car insurance?

When considering rental car insurance, you should first look to see what coverage you already have through your credit card, your homeowner or renter’s insurance, and your own existing car insurance. If you’re already covered for what you need, then you can get the cheapest car rental by avoiding additional insurance.

How do I find the cheapest car rental deals?

Cheapflights allows you to compare rental cars against other providers so you can find the cheapest car rental deals. To rent a car with Cheapflights, start by entering either a city or an airport as your pick-up location. Next, choose the day and time you'll be picking up and dropping off your rental car. Click the "Find deals" button and we'll show you the latest rental car deals so you can compare and book the one that's best for your budget.

What type of cars can I rent through Cheapflights?

With Cheapflights you can rent nearly a dozen different types of rental cars, including small, medium, large, SUV, van, luxury, pickup truck, convertible and commercial vehicles. You can find great deals on any of these vehicles from some of the most popular rental car companies such as Hertz, Enterprise, Alamo, Avis, Thrifty, Dollar and Budget.

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