keddy by Europcar
In the past two weeks, Cheapflights users have found many deals under $48/day when booking a rental car at Francistown Airport. The best deal a user found was for $31/day from Hertz, booked on Jan. 12.
From Hertz you can rent a car at Francistown Airport from about $571 per week on average.
Generally, for a better deal at Francistown Airport it’s recommended to book in a timely manner (to save up to 89%). Cheapflights recommends you book around 19 days prior to your pickup date. Booking as early as you can also increases the likelihood that you’ll get the ideal car.
The length of time you can book a rental for is subject to the inventory of the supplier. When renting a vehicle from Francistown Airport it should be possible to rent a car for a whole month if needed.
Generally, a month-long car rental at Francistown Airport can be found for about $2,449, with the average price for a rental being around $82 a day. Book with Hertz, to take advantage of their cheap prices and pay 63% less compared to the average price of car rentals at Francistown Airport.