If you were ever after a reason to party, Carnival season is it! With roots in the Christian celebrations leading up to Lent, a time of fasting and restraint, this is the time of year to let loose. Celebrated the world over, each country and region has developed its own unique carnival rituals and traditions – everything from food fights, glitzy trinkets, over-the-top costumes and mysterious masks. Here are 10 of our favorite from around the world…
Beads, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
The two are so famously intertwined it almost feels as though you can’t have Mardi Gras without New Orleans. Things kick off around two weeks before Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras in French) with daily parades and celebrations throughout the city – though funnily enough none of the major parades visit the infamous Bourbon Street and French Quarter due to their narrow streets. The parades are made up of floats created by different Mardi Gras krewes (clubs). As the floats make their way along the parade route, krewe members throw little trinkets into the crowd in the form of jewelry, toys and other small items to the cries of “throw me something, mister!” Of all these souvenirs the most famous are the beads. Until the 1960s, the beads were simple colored strands, but today they feature everything from animals, four leafed clovers, figurines, sports logos, shot glasses and even LED lights! A popular myth surrounding the beads is that you need to show a bit of skin (especially if you’re a woman) to receive them. The practice of flashing a bit of boob dates back to the 1880s and still happens around the tourist heavy areas of the city, but it certainly isn’t the norm or the only way to get your hands on some beads. So don’t worry if you’re not comfortable going down the exhibitionist route (or you’re a man), parade participants throw beads to fully clothed crowd members as well. Or you could always buy yourself a bunch from any of the many Mardi Gras shops around town.
Main Image by Rijeka Tourist Board